viernes, 6 de junio de 2014

Something my first day at school

Hi to all. Today I have to talk about my first day at school. But, I not remember many things about that day. Mmm... Well, I remember I had 5 years old with six months in year 2000. And we went with my mom to classroom of the "Kinder B" of the Colegio Melipilla in the city Melipilla (my city). Before of go into to classroom, the teacher asked my name and I answered: I call Daniela and she put me a thread like a necklace with my name and a photographer took me a photo. After, my mommy went to work and I no cried like my other classmates, because I was in a garden from 3 months old until 5 years old. Was normal for me, I not felt bad nor good. Only I enjoyed playing.My teacher called Victoria. She had the red and short hair and was very likeable. I not remember other thing that day.

I went at Colegio Melipilla for two reasons. First, because my brother studied there and Second, because this school was near my home (to 10 minutes walk).  This school was my only school; I went not to none other.

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